quarta-feira, 24 de março de 2010

*Bad Traders*

Name: Carlos Cortes
Site: http://helloweenfan.blogspot.com
Contact: cacortesr@gmail.com
Country: Chile
Coment: I sent 2 DVDS for he and he sent me 2 DVDS Sourced (VCD). Don't trade with he, it's a BAD FUCKIN' TRADER.

Name: Julián Tejada
Site: http://www.orkut.com.br/Main#FullProfile?rl=pcb&uid=1762961483242860134 (Profile On Orkut)
Contact: julian-19901@hotmail.com
Country: Brazil
Coment: She is a FAKE. I sent 4 CDRS for he and he sent me 4 CDS MP3 Sourced. Don't trade with he, has just MP3 Sourced. It's one more motherfucker!

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